Sunday, December 29, 2013

Beginning the stash reduction project

So here we go.  I've joined a couple of threads on the Stash and Burn group on Ravelry.  They are posting stash burning challenges which I will follow to the extent that my stash fits.  So far so good.  The January challenge is to use recent stash or a precious yarn.  While I can probably name quite a few precious yarns (aren't they all), I chose a Manos Maxima yarn, bought too long ago at Spun Fibre Arts.  I haven't made anything with it yet partly because one forgets stash yarns but also because it is so soft and I felt it needed just the right project.  I've decided that the project is nyx from Norah Gaughan collection, Volume 9, seen here.  It is a cabled cowl in worsted weight yarn.  I think the Manos should work as a nice substitute.

The second challenge is for the first quarter and is to complete a sweater.  I am choosing my in-progress kaide that I blogged about when taking inventory of in progress projects a couple of months ago.  I've made some good progress on it in the last couple of days to the point that I'm now about halfway up the back.  I've been knitting with so much fingering weight yarn of late that I'd forgotten how quick a bulkier yarn knits up.  

Only one small problem that I'd also forgotten.  My formerly recurring wrist pain which doesn't seem to bother me as much when I'm doing small projects with lightweight yarn has cropped up again.  I can keep going on the project, I just need to pace myself a bit better.  Several hours constantly on a car trip might have been over doing it.

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