Saturday, July 9, 2011

Rekindling my photographic imagination

I signed up for a photo course with recently and received the first assignment this week.  The assignment is to take three photos of anything in three different ways, varying whatever I want.  It is harder than it sounds.  I think I have three good candidates from this morning's efforts but the assignment isn't due until next weekend so I'll work on some more and see what I get.  I am defaulting to my favourite photographic subject, flowers, since the assignment was to shoot anything.  In case future assignments are more specific in terms of subject, I wanted to make sure to get some flowers in.  It is also a good warmup for me since the camera has only been used for snapshots of crafty projects lately.

I don't think I blogged about my latest Flour recipe.  I made the Strawberry Shortcakes a couple of weeks ago and would have to say that the biscuits were the best I've ever had.  No exaggeration what-so-ever.  I did use one too many eggs in the cakes because I didn't read the instructions fully before starting so I'll have to see if they are as good with two.  The strawberries are marinated in sugar and balsamic vinegar and were also very yummy.  Baking has slowed down for the summer but I love this cookbook so will be diving into it again in the fall.

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