Saturday, January 28, 2012

New iPod Cover

About a year ago, my beloved, ancient iPod was stolen.  While I was upset about the iPod, I was more upset by the really nice case I had it in.  I bought it in Peru so, in addition to really liking it, it was a daily reminder of a fantastic trip.  Since my job at the time was over-the-top stressful, this daily reminder was a small comfort to me.

I got over losing the iPod quickly enough because I got to replace it with groovy new technology but just stuck the iPod in the felt sleeve the old one came in and kept meaning to make a new cover.  But should I knit something, sew something, did I want a zipper or a button.  Then bouncing around the internet, I stumbled on this cover with its handy little tutorial.  It took no time to make and I have a cheerful little iPod cover again.  An added bonus, while not really making a dent, it used up some scrap fabric.  Next project, the earbud cover.

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Ooooh - that is really cute! I may just try that out myself for my iPhone. My sewing skills are minimal, but I might give it a whirl.