Sunday, July 29, 2012

Knitting for following the Olympics

While I'm not participating in the Ravelry salute to the Olympics (it looked like I had to be way to organized to follow along), I am going to work on finishing projects.  I have a sweater blocking right now that I finished yesterday, am continuing to make steady progress on a second sweater (part way through the first sleeve), have the second of a pair of socks that I forgot about until after I had joined the Sweet Georgia sock club (which I justified joining by telling myself I had no sock yarn) and a pair of fair isle mittens that I decided were a good outdoor project for summer, being small but requiring some thought to keep me interested.

I'll focus on these for now.  Once done, I'm sure I can find some others in progress.  In fact, there is a felted bag that has been in progress for a few years, a baby sweater that I stopped when I realized it would be too small for the 1 year old I was making it for and a sweater from Custom Knits that I started ages ago.  I am sure I can find a few others as well.

We'll see how far I get.  It has to be a better effort than the ill-chosen sweater I was making during the winter games 2 years ago.  I feel like I have a reasonable chance of success in at least finishing the list in the first paragraph.

Go Canada!

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