Monday, February 20, 2012

Hammer Required

Some projects make me feel very clever.  Generally, if a sewing project turns out in a way that looks even remotely like the pattern, a feeling of cleverness follows.  This project, the large betty shopper (not sure who betty is and why she doesn't get a capital b) from Amy Butler, has been in my possession with fabric for over two years now.  It is one of the projects that I had in mind when coming up with my 2 projects per month resolution for 2012.

The fabric that I purchased with the pattern is not featured here.  I decided to change it up and possess another bag pattern that will hopefully be a future 2012 project with the original fabric.

This project is pretty straightforward but did take me a decent amount of time.  I have made a couple of other Amy Butler patterns and find the instructions easy to follow for someone who isn't a natural born sewer.  My favourite part of the construction - the grommets.  Now those are clever, not to mention that hammering them in is a great stress reliever - something that can be useful at the end of a sewing project.

Now I'm off to watch curling (Scott Tournament of Hearts) and try to finish my sweater of the month.

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