So, I'm quoting what I remember the doctor saying before he gave me the sedative that made me "legally drunk". If you want the accurate stats, go to the Canadian Cancer Society or other fabulous websites out there. You have a 1 in 16 chance of getting Colon Cancer in your lifetime. If, like me, you have a first degree relative (mother, father, sibling) who has had Colon Cancer, you not only get a special early trip through the screening, you have a 1 in 8 chance of getting it in your lifetime. This is on par with breast cancer. The thing about Colon Cancer, it is highly preventable with screening. The test is actually quite simple, especially with that aforementioned legally drunk thing happening. The lead up to the test, not the nicest process I've had to deal with. But better than the alternative.
Since I'm still considered legally drunk, I'm not supposed to make any financial decisions because I won't be responsible. Maybe I'll head on over to Pink Chalk. If a parcel should arrive in the mail next week, I can claim that I wasn't responsible for my actions!
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