I know it is a tease but today it felt like spring. I went for a walk up to Queen Street at lunch with David's Teas as the ultimate goal. It was a perfectly lovely day. According to one of those signs that flash the temperature and the time that I passed on the way up University, it was 0. That, combined with the sun, made for a very nice break in the middle of the day. I love going for walks in the middle of the day. The only problem is that I enjoy them so much I start imagining the freedom of not having to go back to the office. Unfortunately, while I don't live to work, I still need to work to live. Particularly if I'm going to buy loose leaf teas.
Added to the lovely walk at lunch, I managed to escape the chains attached to my desk, left on time and got home while it was still light out. If that doesn't say spring, nothing does. Of course, the forecast for the weekend is more snow but I know it won't be long until I'm pushing the envelope on how early I can plant my cool weather crops in the garden.
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