Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Oh my soul ... blossoms!

I've been pretty good at not adding to the fabric stash.  I have only purchased backing fabric (and maybe a couple of fat quarters because I was in the store buying backing fabric and they sort of got picked up by accident).  But Mad About Patchwork, an online store from Ottawa, sent me an email about a little sale.  They send me several emails about sales but this week they had this little fat quarter bundle of Amy Butler's Soul Blossoms and I just couldn't resist hitting the purchase button.  I did actually delete a few other things from the cart so showed a tiny bit (well, actually about $80 worth) of restraint so don't feel too bad.

I am starting to think that A being for April and Austerity might be a coincidence I should take as a sign.  April does only have 30 days after all, it can't be as bad as January.

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