... but I get this overwhelming urge every year at this time to finish things and/or reduce stash. I'm almost finished the ill-chosen Olympic project from a year ago, the fabrics I cut out last week are now in 15x15 blocks ready to be sewn together, I'm thinking of digging out a cable sweater that generally sees spurts of energy and then gets put aside for several months only to have the pattern repeat itself again.
I'm committed to rolling over my austerity initiative into February so think that there is hope of actually achieving some shelf space freedom someday soon. I did have to relax my rules slightly in January because my iPod was stolen and I decided I really, really, really need another one. So technically, not discretionary since it is a necessity, right?
Otherwise, I have been very well behaved. I have had a real desire to take a trip up to Lettuce Knit at lunch on a few different occasions but have resisted. Lettuce Knit is just close enough for me to take an hour out of my day to visit but just far enough from the office not to be too convenient. When I'm having a particularly stressful crazy day, I do like to go there to get away from it all. January has been quite stressful and crazy at work so the call of the store has been hard to resist. But the January desire to get stuff done has prevailed and since I know if I go there I will buy something, I haven't gone.
We'll see if this mood lasts long enough to at least get that one shelf freed up.
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