Our cat has a kidney problem - losing weight and had bad scores on her test. Since we've had 2 cats with kidney issues in the past, we pretty much know how it goes and are sad.
The vet does want to rule out an infection though so we had to get a urine sample. A clean, not in the regular litter box, urine sample. It's easy, the vet said, just lock her in a bathroom and show her the box like you would a kitten - no problem. Well that didn't work. She just waited until we let her out to eat and then snuck down to the regular box.
This morning, I followed her downstairs when she was headed that way and put the sample box inside the regular one. This was a brilliant plan, I thought. Not so the cat, who clearly had to use the litter box but crossed her legs and left in disgust.
Next brilliant plan, let her go in the regular litter box but hold something under her butt and collect the sample. Excellent. Dropped her in the box for this process and again, she crossed her legs and left in disgust.
So the better half suggests locking her in the bathroom again with the sample box. Obviously she has to go and we will have success this time. After an hour, we go check and .... not a chance.
Finally, after stalking her around the house, I used brilliant plan #2 and got a sample. The ladies at the vet were impressed by my method. They said I did it the hard way - yeah right. I'm just hoping the cat doesn't have bathroom issues now. I'm pretty sure she won't use the litter box when I'm in the room anymore!
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