Sunday, February 7, 2010

First Post

This is my foray into blogging. I'm not sure how long I'll be committed to it but I wanted to give it a try. I'm a banker by day but would prefer to be a full time domestic goddess but need the money to pay for my obsessions. So, I dabble.

I love cooking and crafts and am currently obsessed with quilting. I always have at least one if not four or five knitting projects on the go too.

Let's dive in. A friend recently adopted a baby boy and a sweater is on the way. Well, still in skeins but it'll get going soon. I'm going to make the placket pullover from Joelle Haverson's "Last Minute Knitted Gifts". I'd link to Amazon or something but am not sure how to do that yet!

The sweater takes Koigu Kersti (yarn pictured above) and, while I'm ok with substituting, I knew that my LYS carries it and I've always wanted an excuse to buy it. Since I'm trying to be a good stash reducer in 2010, I combed my stash. I didn't have anything suitable in the stash, so I now had a great excuse to go shopping. Turns out, the LYS is getting rid of the yarn and had it 1/2 price! And in a suitable boy colour!

I would say that those planets are never in alignment but it happened to me again yesterday. I'm making a quilt with last year's Mark Lipinski Califon (blue and yellow fabric) and don't have enough for the back. I knew my local quilt store carried it and wouldn't you know ... 40% off!

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