Thursday, February 25, 2010


I am addicted to books. Unfortunately, I am really bad at starting books, particularly non fiction, and not finishing. I have made a resolution to finish my half-finished books before I buy anymore. I am in the middle of Younger Next Year for Women, one of the French Women Don't Get Fat books (the second one), The Gospel According to U2, a Platter of Figs (I enjoy reading cookbooks) and probably some others I have forgotten about.

I've mentioned the Younger Next Year book on the blog before and am enjoying it. It is a bit repetitive given that 3/4 of it has been about exercising 6 days a week and I'm generally at 5 so feel a bit like the choir. Having said that, reinforcements on the benefits of exercise are always motivational.

I am also cognizant of the fact that my blog is called Knit, Quilt, Cook and I haven't talked about cooking once. I seem to be in a little of a cooking lull at the moment for some reason. Likely because I've been spending most spare time on the weekends quilting and now that the Olympics are on, knitting. I'm solo dining tonight and remembered that I had some chili in the freezer and am quite enjoying it with some excellent walnut bread from Longos and the Olympics on TV. I must confess that while I'm excited about the hockey, I really like the curling so am watching that mainly and flipping to the women's gold medal game. the curling is almost over unless something crazy happens so will be full time on hockey before the chili is done.

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