Saturday, April 13, 2013

A few favourites

I like when blogs writers link to other interesting sites so here are a few of my old and new favourites.

1.  First up, not surprisingly, is Houzz.  I got a lot of inspiration from this site when planning our kitchen.  There are so many details and decisions to make, it was nice to see what things looked like in other kitchens.  And their search engine is fantastic.

2.  This looks fun.  I think we'll go.  Wine and food and recipes to bring home.

3.  The LCBO magazine is one I look forward to quarterly.  There are always lots of great recipes and they are on the website too.

4.  I have been meaning to make natural peanut butter since reading this Squawkfox article.  I just have to remember to find a source for fresh, tasty peanuts rather than the ones that have been hanging out in the store too long.

That's it.  I haven't been doing much surfing lately.  Maybe I'll hop over to Chocolate and Zucchini and see what links she is sending readers to this month.  Of course, I could also work on getting some projects done instead.

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