... on many fronts this morning. I'm listening to the lovely "Soft Place to Land" from Kathleen Edward's new record Voyageur. I've only listened to the whole record once since buying it last week but it has moments of haunting beauty. Since many of the songs seem to relate to her recent marriage breakup, this makes sense. I have liked her music for a long time and this record is different/sadder than the others but still very nice and I think the best yet.
Other things relaxing - the cables in my new February sweater after washing. It is still too damp to try on but it is definitely better than pre-wash. Despite doing the swatch in another lifetime, I did have a memory of that behaviour in the swatch so had my fingers crossed. Now I just have to keep them crossed in hopes that things didn't relax too much. Anyway, the sweater is "putting down roots" from Inspired Cable Knits by Fiona Ellis. For some reason a pattern that could not hold my interest. But it is finished, for better or worse. Hopefully better after all of the time and energy. If not, a relative, friend or donation bin will get a nice new sweater.
Congratulations on finishing your sweater!
Thanks Shannon!
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