So it need 2 pictures. These were a nice easy knit. Too bad the knitter was a bit of an idiot. I started the first sock, missing the cuff instructions in the pattern. I though, ok, I'll just do a third pattern repeat instead to make them longer. Then (after turning the heel) realized that I was going through yarn like water, weighed the remaining ball and forecast a serious yarn shortage. So, I figured, since I'm frogging, might as well go all the way to the beginning.
From then on, it was smooth sailing except for some tense moments at the end where I once again knew that yarn was in short supply. I dropped one row from the foot and made it to the end with about 2 inches of yarn to spare. Phew!
The pattern is Jack of Diamonds from this season's holiday Interweave Knits. While I likely would have made them anyway at some point, I was motivated by the Sock Yarn Anonymous group on Ravelry. Rachel Coopey, the designer, just happened to be one of their challenge designers for the month. So it was meant to be.
Yarn is Zen Yarn Garden Serenity 20, picked up at Stix & Stones in North Bay. A very nice, soft, smooth yarn.